It's Friday at 4PM, one of my favorite times of the work week. Only 1 hour left til freedom, SWEET FREEDOM!!!
I came across this, this morning and felt the need to share! It really stuck with me, and YES guys I AM "semi-obsessed"!
I have been working REALLY hard on my Health & Fitness the last few weeks, actually almost two months! And, yes I am extremely proud of myself. I finished the 21 Day Fix Extreme LIKE A BOSS, and now am onto doing a hybrid program - - a mix between T25 & 21DFX! My body has changed a lot, I have lost weight, my clothes fit better, my skin is clearer, BUT I think what HAS changed the MOST is my confidence level! I feel good, and I worked hard to look good -- INSERT CONFIDENCE HERE!!!
I remember a few short months ago buying new clothes EVERY week just to find something I felt comfortable in. Something kinda loose, but not loose enough to make me look bigger (come on guys, you know what I am talking about)! NOW I find myself going through my closet, to the section that I probably should have thrown out a few years ago, but there was always that chance I could wear it again (wishful hoping). BUT GUYS this time I AM actually wearing it again!!!! AWESOME feeling, and pretty nice on my wallet too ;)!
I just wanted to throw it out there. To anyone at the beginning, middle or even if you haven't started your fitness journey.....REMEMBER to ALWAYS believe in yourself, because if you don't who else will?!?!?!?!
"A girl should be two things, CLASSY and FABULOUS!"
NOW I am outta here for the WEEKEND... Heading to NYC to celebrate the BIG 1 year ANNIVERSARY with my husband!!! SUPER excited (as you can tell by all the caps hahaha)