Thursday, July 9, 2015


I have some VERY exciting news!!!!

If you don't already know, I have been following the 21 Day Fix Nutrition Plan for over 2 months. I take this plan with me from fitness program to fitness program because, to be honest I LOVE IT. It is super easy to follow, I am NEVER hungry, and I can eat things I like!

When I say I am NEVER hungry, I mean NEVER hungry! Yesterday's menu consisted of...

# BabyDINO

SO let's get on with the EXCITING new, right?!?!?! HAHA. Okay, NEXT WEEK Autumn's 21 Day Fix Cookbook FIXATE comes out!!!! 101, 21 Day fix approved recipes!!!! I honestly CANNOT WAIT!

SO my plan over the next few months is to try EVERY recipe, and share with you guys(Julia & Julia Style!) I am not a GREAT cook by any means, so this should be interesting to say the least!



Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Insanity MAX 30 - Day 1 & 2! (OH SNAP)

So I have totally been MIA lately, and I apologize! I am making it a point to share more with you!

Here goes, Monday I started a new FITNESS program! I have been SUPER psyched about this bad boy since I made up my mind about a month ago. BUT, along with the excitement, came butterflies, nerves, and even hesitation!!! This program is intense, AND I am determined to not only finish but KICK it's and MY butt while doing so!

So far I can tell you MY BUTT has already been kicked, LOL! It is crazy how intense the workouts are, but honestly I have NEVER felt better then when I finish those 30 minutes! I know, I know, I am only on day 3, BUT seriously I can see the future and I look HOTT! HAHA.

Okay,okay... I am sure you are wondering, what is this CRAZY program Nicole is talking about? WELL, it is called Insanity Max 30 and it is just that....INSANE! Some of you may be familiar with the program, some of you not. The point of the program is to "MAX OUT",  write you time down, and beat your time the next go around. Basically you are in competition with yourself, and I LOVE THAT! Because HONESTLY it is NOT about being the best, it IS about being better than YOU were yesterday!

Day 1 was Monday, EEEEEK. MONDAYS are always tough, BUT I hit play! CARDIO CHALLENGE! LET'S GOOOO!

WARM UP: This is Shaun T people, I am not sure if you are familiar with him...BUT, DANG he is never easy on us. Not even during the warm up!  It started off a lot of jumping around -- 5 exercises, 2 rounds NON STOP, to you crazies out there this may sounds like a piece of cake.... NO LIE I almost maxed out during this WARM UP! LOL! But I pushed through and to my surprise, there was a water break at 5 minutes. GREAT, except I couldn't breath never mind sip water.  It MAY have lasted 30 seconds, and back at it.

NOW we start the actual workout, wait we aren't done yet!!!!! I am actually going to do a FULL review of each workout so people can get a taste of what they are in for.... But LET me just say, if you are a hardcore cardio person... YOU AINT SEEN NOTHING YET!  I MAXXED out while doing plyo jumps on my left leg, at 7:21! NUTS!

Day 2! TABATA POWER: Gosh, my thoughts were... "okay, it cant be worst then yesterday... I am AWFUL at Cardio!"... HAH, WRONGGGGGGG!

WARM UP:  Okay, I don't think it was AS BAD as yesterday's but still a KILLER. 5 Minutes, then water break... I am thinking "OKAY, let's do this", " I am totally hitting 10 minute MAX OUT TIME"...

If you aren't familiar with Tabata, it is 20 seconds intense workout, and 10 seconds rest. If you are like me you would think okay nice, lots of breaks. IF you can consider grabbing your heart and screaming WTF a break, then yeah you do get those! MAX OUT TIME ON DAY 2 - 6:17!

Hope you are getting the JIST of what Insanity MAX 30 is all about, TOTALLY not a walk in the park! BUT, on a serious note nothing worth working for comes easy!!!!! I am actually really excited to see where this program takes me, and EVEN MORE excited to share the journey with you!!

I'll keep you posted.